FERRANDI Paris has set up an online language exchange with ESHOB, the Ecole Supérieure d’Hôtellerie de Barcelona (Spain). Since last March, our BTS MHR First year students have had the chance to benefit from intensive improvement in Spanish.

On the same wavelength

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“Before each connection, Nathalie and I organize a contact in order to optimize conversations between students as much as possible,” explains Magali DELEU, Spanish teacher at FERRANDI Paris, on the Saint-Gratien campus. An exchange of a few minutes which allows our trainer, like Nathalie SMADJA, French teacher at ESHOB, to agree on the theme of the conversation for the evening session, on which our students and those of our trans-Pyrenean partner school will converse via screen: “It’s the best way to learn a language and particularly the professional vocabulary of the hotel and catering industry,” says Louca, “we speak one after the other, all in Spanish and They try to speak French.”

“Before each connection, Nathalie and I organize a contact in order to optimize conversations between students as much as possible,” explains Magali DELEU, Spanish teacher at FERRANDI Paris, on the Saint-Gratien campus. An exchange of a few minutes which allows our trainer, like Nathalie SMADJA, French teacher at ESHOB, to agree on the theme of the conversation for the evening session, on which our students and those of our trans-Pyrenean partner school will converse via screen: “It’s the best way to learn a language and particularly the professional vocabulary of the hotel and catering industry,” says Louca, “we speak one after the other, all in Spanish and They try to speak French.”

An immersive approach, supported by our school management and carefully prepared in advance by our trainers, was carried out in close collaboration with our ESHOB contacts. Of course, in addition to exchanging our practices, we can also encourage each student by having real-time exchanges with native Spanish or French speakers,” comments Magali DELEU, a connection has been created.

The hotel and catering industry as a link between FERRANDI Paris and ESHOB

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The connection between the two countries, which share the worlds of hospitality and gastronomy, is highlighted by the approach taken by ESHOB's Director of Education, Marja Caluncho, during the open day organized at his school last April. Photos, videos and testimonials collected for each session are made available to visitors and potential recruits. Same enthusiasm from Ferrandi, whose very professional side of the company was not missed by the students: “Throughout our conversations, we were able to discover different cultures and, above all, different eating habits. » says Cassandra. This affects their training. “

Gaïa adds: “During these exchanges, the flow of speech was intense, I really had the impression of being in Spain and of learning from them another way of approaching my profession, it was very enriching! ".

Shared pleasure, fruitful exchanges, better mastery of the Spanish language and cultural enrichment, all essential assets in the training of a good hotel and catering professional, the acquisition of which our school has been able to promote, thanks to the establishment of this new partnership.

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