Lyfe Institute undergraduates are not without ideas, will and ambition. For their third year internship, some students made the bold decision to opt for entrepreneurship internships. This is an opportunity for these students to start a project, commit to it 100%, and possibly transform it into a real professional project. Discover the budding entrepreneurs and their concepts: Focacc` and Agathe Cuisine.DIANTS IN BACHELORS AND ALREADY ENTREPRENEURS

If you are looking for guidance after the baccalaureate, a BTS, a License or any other diploma, here are three essential tips to guide you in your choice of training.

Foccac’ – A catering concept around focaccia

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3 students, Stanislas Bigot in Bachelor International Hospitality Management , Ivan Uzel and Léa Sevenig, students in Bachelor International Catering Management, decided to join forces and launch a catering concept for their 3rd year internship,

An entrepreneurial project born in a food hall in Lyon, La Commune. This space is a place for sharing experiences, a place where life is good and a culinary launching pad that distinguishes talented independent chefs. Their Italian-inspired concept? A shop specializing in quality focaccia which offers Italian recipes using French know-how, starters, main courses and desserts, and fresh seasonal ingredients and local products.

For them, the student-entrepreneur experience was a rich and exciting experience, as they told us: “it allows us to dialogue with professionals with a different posture and to negotiate contracts. For us, this transition allows us to evolve positively and be able to see the reality on the ground with another eye. »

Even for young students, the transition from apprenticeship to entrepreneurial reality can be a difficult experience. Their biggest challenge? “Build a complete and effective business plan so that professionals follow our vision. »

Foccac’ is a first step in their entrepreneurial adventure which gives them new ambitions for the future.

“Our ambition for the future is to continue „Focacc““ after and during our last year at the Lyfe Institute. Indeed, we want to specialize in 4th year in Restaurant Management and Entrepreneurship to improve our company and be able to expand it internationally. Subsequently, we want to create other concepts and develop them as well. »


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Agathe Dujardin launches her home chef activity: Agathe Cuisine. Although a student in International Hospitality Management, she was able to seize opportunities arising in particular from the COVID crisis and the emergence of a new way of hosting to link these two passions: cooking and hospitality. After seeing an advert for the organization of an event, she said to herself “Why not!” »And since then, the opportunities have kept coming.​

“I was able to work on the organization of the Lyfe Institute gala with 550 guests, and an IAE Lyon gala with 200 guests. I also had the honor of being a Private Chef for Kanye West and Sting,… Word of mouth and increasingly challenging services have developed my business! »

For Agathe, undertaking is “a realization and a commitment to a project that is close to my heart. I think you also need to have courage and will to undertake.” Courage and will, because the transition from student to entrepreneur means more responsibility and the need to learn to tackle new subjects such as seasonality, it is also a chance to gain confidence.

Contact Institut Lyfe

The entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial spirit are part of the DNA of our school. Through training, program content, educational projects and certain conferences aim to develop students' confidence and ability to act, innovate and shape things. For students who dream of starting an entrepreneurial project in the catering sector, the 4th year of Specialization in Catering Management and Entrepreneurship is made for them.

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