Hospitality and tourism: who are the players of tomorrow and how do they see the future?

The tourism and hospitality sector is constantly evolving, driven by changes in consumer behavior, technological innovations and new global challenges such as sustainability and health crises. To understand how this sector will evolve in the years to come, it is crucial to identify the players of tomorrow. These young professionals, entrepreneurs, influencers and technology companies bring a fresh vision and innovative solutions that redefine the standards of the industry.

Identification of tomorrow’s players in the tourism and hospitality sector.

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Young professionals and entrepreneurs:

Young professionals entering the tourism and hospitality sector bring with them a fresh perspective and new skills. They are often motivated by the search for meaning and positive impact in their work, favouring careers that allow them to contribute to environmental and social causes.

Young entrepreneurs are also key players, innovating to meet changing consumer expectations. Startups like “Selina” offer co-living and co-working spaces for digital nomads, while “ByHours” allows travelers to book hotel rooms for just a few hours, meeting the demand for flexibility.

Influencers and content creators:

Influencers and content creators are playing an increasingly important role in the tourism and hospitality sector. Thanks to their large audience on social networks, they can influence destination choices and travel trends.

Collaborations between tourism brands and influencers have become an effective marketing strategy. For example, hotels collaborate with influencers for sponsored stays in exchange for promotion on their social platforms. This allows establishments to reach new audiences and strengthen their brand image.

Impact of social media:

Platforms like Instagram and YouTube allow travelers to discover new destinations through engaging visual content.

Reviews and recommendations from travel influencers have a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions.

Technology companies:

Technology companies are playing a crucial role in transforming the tourism and hospitality sector, developing innovative solutions that improve the customer experience and optimize business operations.

For example, augmented reality (AR) allows travelers to visualize destinations before booking, while artificial intelligence (AI) is used to personalize recommendations and automate customer service.

Case study :

"Airbnb" revolutionized tourist accommodation by allowing individuals to rent out their real estate. The company continues to innovate with immersive experiences offered by local hosts.

“Travelport” uses blockchain to secure transactions and improve booking transparency.

Future prospects for tomorrow's players.

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Vision of young professionals and entrepreneurs:

Young professionals and entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future of the tourism and hospitality sector. They see sustainability as a priority and seek to integrate environmentally friendly practices into their operations.

Issues and priorities:

Reduce the carbon footprint of travel by adopting green technologies and sustainable practices.

Personalize customer experience through the use of big data and AI.

Creating authentic and immersive experiences that meet the expectations of modern travelers.

Issues and priorities:

Platforms like Sustainable Travel International work with companies to develop sustainable travel solutions.

“HotelTonight,” a last-minute booking app, continues to innovate by offering flexible and affordable options for spontaneous travelers.

Vision of influencers and content creators:

Influencers and content creators see the future of tourism and hospitality as being more focused on authenticity and sustainability. They want to promote responsible travel practices and encourage their audiences to choose eco-friendly options.

Forecasts on the evolution of collaborations:

Brand-influencer collaborations will become more strategic, with a focus on long-term partnerships rather than one-off promotions.

Influencers will focus on creating educational and inspiring content, highlighting destinations and experiences that respect the environment and local communities.

Impact of new social media trends:

The rise of short-form video platforms like TikTok and Reels is influencing how destinations are discovered and shared.

Live streams and virtual tours will offer real-time glimpses of destinations, making travel more accessible to a global audience.

Vision of technology companies:

Technology companies anticipate a future where digitalization and automation will play central roles in improving tourism and hospitality services. They also see the integration of blockchain and IoT as key elements to secure transactions and improve operational efficiency.

Anticipation of innovations:

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will be used to deliver immersive pre-travel experiences, allowing customers to virtually “visit” destinations.

Facial recognition and biometric technologies will improve the security and efficiency of check-in processes at hotels and airports.

Examples of technology projects:

“Smart Hotel” offers fully automated rooms where guests can control every aspect of their stay via a mobile app.

“TripActions” uses AI to optimize business travel bookings, taking into account traveler preferences and company policies.

Role of schools and training programs :

THTS member schools will play a crucial role in training future leaders in the tourism and hospitality sector, adapting their curricula to incorporate the latest technological innovations and sustainable practices.

Specific programs and initiatives:

Courses on sustainability management and technological innovation in tourism.

Partnerships with companies in the sector to offer internships and research opportunities to students.


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The future of the tourism and hospitality sector depends on the ability of tomorrow’s players to innovate and adapt to new trends and technologies. Young professionals, influencers, technology companies and educational institutions will all play a crucial role in this transformation. By focusing on sustainability, personalising the customer experience and integrating advanced technologies, they will help create a more resilient, inclusive and innovative sector. THTS member schools will continue to develop tomorrow’s leaders, ready to take on the challenges and seize the opportunities of this dynamic sector.

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